Sunday 16 May 2021

investigating the pandemic

 ಇಂದಿನ ಹೊಸ ಅರ್ಥ- 'ಅಂತರ', ಇಲ್ಲದಿದ್ದರೆ ಹರೋಹರ 

May 2021 - ನಿಂಬೆ ಹಣ್ಣು ರಸ ಮೂಗಿಗೆ ಬೇಡ, ಕಷಾಯ ಬೇಡ, Dr. ಕಜೆ ಅಥವಾ ರಾಮದೇವ್ ರವರ "ಕರೋನ ಬರದೆ ಇರಲು ಕೊಡುವ ಔಷಧಿ" ಬೇಡ, ಕರೊನ ಸ್ತೋತ್ರ ಪಠಿಸುವುದು ಬೇಡ, oximeter ಬೇಡ. oxygen ಸಿಲಿಂಡರ್ ತರಿಸುವುದು ಬೇಡ, plasma ಬೇಡ.

ಮತ್ತೆ ಹೇಗೆ ಕರೋನಾ ಇಂದ ಪಾರಾಗೋದು? - ಸುಲಭ, ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಓದಿರಿ.

ಸಾಕಲ್ಲವೇ ಶೀರ್ಷಿಕೆಗಳು?

Oh! enough of advice. Why don't we assess what exactly needs to be done to cure this corona-covid.

Tested positive? no worries... You can get cured quickly. Strong Mind, Will Power, Not yielding to Panic/Anxiety, Change in diet, Being Happy by thinking positive, etc, are the key. read full.

Of course we need to be very serious and there is a necessity to take all preventive methods in order to ensure that we don't catch corona-covid virus.

CORONA COVID PANDEMIC-investigating the pandemic


When we just go back and remember the style of living by Brahmins decades ago, we were protesting and never listened to them. There was a proper system like getting up early in the morning and taking bath before eating or drinking. All food was prepared in home and this ensured the quality of food. Also ensured cleanliness while preparing food or while serving/eating. Freshness of food was another area. The food was never stored for the next/subsequent meal. Parents always told us to wash and clean our hands when we return from school or play or before we sit for breakfast or dinner. The social gathering used to be very small (the population was less and probably in order to reduce expenses, invitation to families was restricted to near-ones)


Just we need to follow these age-old guidelines CHANGING OUR MINDSET in the first place. We need to alter our food habits, We need to avoid stale food, junk food, deep fried food, etc. In order to switch and follow the timely and good eating habits we need to be MENTALLY STRONG. And we must restrict large gatherings, that is, both conducting AND attending.


Remember the proverb!.. "When you get a cold, if you take medicine you are cured within a week  and if you don't take medicine it takes SEVEN LONG days to get cured". There was no medicine to prevent catching cold. Maintaining distance was adhered to. Had there been the present RTPCR test earlier, every patient would have shown definitely positive then. And when one gets a cold, it is natural that several persons who were in contact would get the same illness. We were calling it illness then. Earlier too, severe cold illness was turning into pneumonia. Of course the percentage of deaths was very insignificant.


We call this catching cold a pandemic. The bad diet/living habits has reduced our immunity level. Added to this many have diabetes and BP.  NOW WE ARE ADDING FEAR FACTOR (of not surviving due to getting Corona-Covid) to our mind so that we are sure to make our life-span less and less.


Ayurvedic ingredients were abundantly used in preparing food. So naturally we were getting enough medicine to keep our immune system strong. There was abundant natural clean air, insignificant pollution levels and few motor vehicles. The travel time was less.


Air is polluted. The travel time is increased with tense in mind added to it. We are using packaged foods and we aren’t sure of strong immunity. 


We should remember that until now there is NO MEDICINE TO PREVENT catching cold or sore-throat or viral fever. Only when we are caught with a cold/sore-throat/viral fever, we need to take medicine to cure it. We must remember that catching cold, sore-throat or viral fever have been there for centuries in the whole world. 

Now if we want to improve our immunity, then the option available is Vaccination and not these ayurvedic medicines that are making news over the counter. We never REGULARLY used in proper quantities of pepper, cumin, ginger, cinnamon and other spices (ಮೆಣಸು ಜೀರಿಗೆ ಶುಂಠಿ ದಾಲ್ಚಿನ್ನಿ etc). If we start using these now, it is good, but improving immunity might take some years. Instead if we use these in more quantities all of a sudden, then it’s sure to boomerang with some other health disorders/complications. 

I remember my pre-university English session when the professor took up a lesson ‘Doctor’s Word’ where-in the patient was informing the doctor that he had no hopes of survival. But the doctor was just assuring and informing the patient and patient's near-ones that the patient would recover very quickly for an incurable disease. This doctor’s word changed the patient’s mind and in result the patient responded to medicines and overcame the incurable disease and recovered. 

We think negatively when we get a covid-positive report. We need to think positive even when we are tested covid positive. And in order to turn this tested positive into tested negative, we need STRONG WILL POWER, that’s all. We shouldn’t go by the statistics that are shown in the media. There are regular deaths everyday in every place, but now these regular deaths are added to covid deaths. The Pharma lobby is at the peak. Doctors also need patients. During last year's long lock-down many general clinics had no patients as most of the general public were carrying good health without pollution or tension and without hotel or junk food.

Even though catching cold was prominent all over the world, the research to avoid catching cold was not given prominence for the simple reason that cold was easily curable. Due to the development of science, innovations have been made and naturally the scientists found so many variants of viruses. We shouldn’t deny the seriousness of Corona Covid, but we all have become panic, more panic when tested positive leading to real breathlessness!

Another important point which is to be noted is that the life expectancy of a male in India is 70 years (was 66 a decade back). People don’t understand the cause of death earlier to the expected lifespan. Most people want to live long but don't care to follow good health habits. Naturally these persons are suffering from acute health disorders and are living with high intake of medicines everyday. These persons are the first target in the present situation. Corona has shortened their lifespan, but we fail to remember that they would have been dead any way any time. But people have become impatient, agitated, angry, abusive and are not ready to follow guidelines thereby not ready to take responsibility. The public is carried away by the media misrepresentation of situations shown over television repeatedly. Everyone must know we cannot produce nurses and doctors or beds and hospitals or oxygen and ventilators in a short period of months. It's a sorry state of affairs as no one is able to assess the situation properly applying logic. To explain this logic kindly look at this angle. That is, what additional hospitals or beds or nurses would be of use when the corona curve is flattened? Again it is sorry to state that some politicians who want to exploit the situation are conveying the message that Prime Minister Modi is responsible for the deaths that are occurring during this pandemic and for not controlling covid. But those people also know that they cannot solve the problem either. Still the mortality rate in India is far less when compared with that of European/American ones.

As of now, I feel, we must remember that this Corona/Covid/Cold/sore-throat/irritation with viral fever, will be there for centuries in future too. Proper vaccination to all might reduce the spread. We must remember we have to live with this. We cannot avoid getting it. Everyone knows the proverb ‘prevention is better than cure’. In the present situation, prevention is very unlikely as the virus is not visible. Let us face the situation with a STRONG MIND and a STRONG WILL POWER. Then we are sure to get cured even if we are infected. 

On a lighter note, ‘The present time is the only time when we are hoping that our neighbour should also keep good health’


end- written sometime ಇನ್ may 2021

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