Monday 30 November 2020

letter to space


This happened some time in September 2002. This is about a request from a website (org website) asking the people in the world to write an email letter of our choice and mail it to them. The company wanted to send all the letters so received to the space in various formats. It was enthralling as the email concept was taking off in India. I was taken away by the request and I wrote a few lines and mailed it. I don't know why I didn't note down the website or save the letter in my sent box marking it as important. Hence here I am unable to provide website details. However, I have with me the hard copy of my letter which I reproduce here again. 

The letter I wrote was when I was away from my family. I wasn't happy with the place of posting and time of posting. Hence the contents may depict a sorrow state of affairs. I feel that a person always writes about the present time life that is being led by him/her when asked to write something. I was no exception (in 2002).


I am suresh and my age is 44. I am happily married 2   1 gayathri. My daughters are cute and are now going 2 college. I don't like my employers as they are partial and very much deceitful in nature. Hence I don't wish to say anything about my office life.

I am staying alone in Mumbai, a port town in India which is situated in Asia. My family is staying about 1200 kms away and I am very much worried about them as there is some sentimental attachment. I don't know who has given these sentiments in our brain. The more we know the more we get worried or confused. 

Life is made such that one has to go to disturb others' peace of mind in order to get some peace to himself/herself, according to him/her. In fact he is wrong and he has to agree to it. But yet his conscious doesn't win over the guilty-conscious. Finally he will yield to bad thinking and once again finally he does bad things only. But alas! what he is going to achieve by doing such unwanted or rather unwarranted things even when his guilty-conscious had pricked him earlier.

Life is definitely short. But to a person who doesn't have money, that is to say a poor guy even an hour looks to be very long. I am of the opinion that within the lifetime of any one's life he has to do something which satisfies his own mind. Unfortunately again people do a lot of things and pretend to do a lot of help or assistance just to get a pat from others or get noticed in public life. Here again his sub-consciousness, not permitting to do such jobs, wishes to win over his own sub-consciousness through the media of guilty-consciousness.

Learn to love everybody. Never be jealous of others who are better than you. Accept reality. Do good hard work. Never mind not doing good to others, at least know your responsibilities and never think of doing any harm. Follow quintessence-full life without greed or enmity.

With love, affection and best wishes,

Yours sincerely,

suresh hulikunti rao 19.09.2002

end- thoughts documented in 2002 

letter dated September 19, 2002

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